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Cynthia Jacob about

About Cynthia Jacobs

contemporary designer // artist
jewellery shape people
objects meet spaces
stories create interiors

Cynthia Jacobs searches for the timeless essence of jewellery. In addition to expressing wealth, rank and status, jewellery also has a more intimate meaning. They often express a closer bond between people or objects. It is precisely from those deeper, personal associations that Cynthia Jacobs draws her inspiration. She seeks to translate those intangible, strong bonds into an equally powerful form.

The universally recognizable character of the symbol stays intact but transcends with a refreshing originality in the design. The language of the form is in a logical and transparent way to the real meaning of the object and thereby gives back well-known and worn symbolic objects the ability to communicate their true reason for existence eloquently.

She also designs objects and spatial installations specifically for furniture or as a wall decoration. They become “home jewellery”.

The story has its own vocabulary, best guided by the sensuality of the form and can be read as much with the eyes as with the soul.

By inspiring music and atmosphere impulses and feelings are directly sent to the hands via the head, heart and soul. It explains her close connection to craftsmanship and the knowledge of the material.

But above all, Cynthia likes to share her love with her partner, friends and family. She intensely enjoys the beauty of nature, some fine music and art and feels happy with animals around here. Enjoy life!